About Me

I’m interested in textiles and working with fabric as I feel the quality is more interesting than paper. I prefer to draw with needle and thread rather than pen. Through experience I know hand embroidery is time consuming but the end result presents various techniques and gives a sense of involvement. I think this course is most suitable for me as I’m passionate about textiles and enthusiastic when it comes to trying new things. I know Manchester has a strong sense of heritage of industrial history of the 19th century. The city has a wide variety of architectural buildings which I can use for inspiration. When given a brief I always try to a find a way of incorporating embroidery, especially hand stitching, the detail of the surface texture can be aesthetically pleasing for the viewer.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Appliqué sample

In this experiment, I’ve explore working with layers using a method called Appliqué. I’ve applied the layers of fabric using stitch. The loose threads and frayed edges added texture and interest to the piece.

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